15 May 2011

Palerang Election Campaign: John McGrath For Australia First Polls A Solid 6.1%

Australia First Party candidate for Palerang Council, John McGrath, has won a solid 6.1% - 430 votes - in the by-election held yesterday (these figures are not yet final)

Once again, we have shown that there is a definite community and electoral clientele for our party. In the 2008 NSW local government poll, Australia First won 4% in the Sutherland Shire and some 5.67% in Blacktown City. In a Sutherland Shire by-election in October last year we crossed over the 4% line again. In June 2010, in the Hawkesbury City by-election, we won 9.4%.

If a full Council election had been held in Palerang yesterday, John McGrath may have picked up the last position; indeed, some of our polling booth workers conversed with the current Mayor, who himself picked up the last seat in Palerang in 2008 - with just over 3 % of the vote!

Mr. McGrath has signalled his willingness to contest Palerang in 2012, along side of Australia First Party candidates set to contest (and win!) - in a swathe of councils across the State.

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