26 November 2011

Farm And Rural Land Up For Coal Seam Gas Mining Destruction


1 comment:

  1. We know the problem at hand - Farming land is no longer a priority or interest for the greed management(sometimes known as "government") as it conflicts with the Chinese Imports that fuel Companies like McCain and the greed management's newest pay cheque -$100 Billion in QLD from CSG!

    In their scheme all their contributors Win and they do everything to pressure the idle and individual farmer- THIS WE MUST STAND AGAINST

    And to do so means collectively organise as Aussie Farming Communities against this Rotten state

    NATIONAL AUSSIE MOVEMENT has begun the AUSSIE FARMERS RESISTANCE in Toowoomba-Oakey-Dalby area and are looking to hold the line and attack the CSG Menance

    We are Doing all this through our Action Awareness Campaign if you want to join us in the Toowoomba Area we are going up again and again email on nataussie1@hotmail.com or ring 0451 088 017

    We are also looking to holding A toowoomba town hall meeting and donations as such for inviting overseas victims of CSG

