The following is a campaign
statement on behalf of Peter Schuback, Australia First member and
candidate for Hervey Bay.
Peter Schuback: Achievements
I started the campaign to clean up
Asbestos in Schools.
I put pressure on to the government to
get two major toxic waste dumps cleaned up.
I put government and schools on notice
under duty of care laws to stop bullying in schools.
With the help of the ACCC, I took
Telstra to the high court in Melbourne for false and misleading
I took the oil companies on and forced
them to pay compensation to people when their engines and pumps
failed after the oil companies introduced low sulphur diesel without
notifying anyone.
I forced the Federal Government to
honour a contract to supply funds for a main road after promises were
made leading up to an election.
I, along with Ken Hay, forced the State
Government to clean up dumped refugee boats out of the Fitzroy River.
I have issued over 300,000 requests for
a review of an infringement notice forms to people in Australia and
overseas so they can contest unfair fines without going to court.
I exposed the State Government’s
misinformation on Q-fever and made people aware of the problems
caused from this disease.
I have, as the vice-president of the
Australian Long Distance Owners and Drivers Association, lobbied to
get safe rates for truck drivers.
I have put the Government on notice
using their own laws in regards to unsafe roads and they are now
being pursued by persons who have been injured because of dangerous
road conditions.
I am currently fighting to try to stop
the increase in Fire Levies and the down-grading of a number of rural
fire services.
I am currently letting people know
about the failures of ULP (Unleaded petrol) and the damage that
ethanol can and will do to your engines.
I have fought to make people aware of
their rights and to stop governments from introducing unfair and
unworkable laws.
I have for many years worked to make
sure that people get a fair deal and that people are not screwed by
Government departments.
I have achieved many things over and
above what is listed here and I will continue to work to look after
people and our region.
I have achieved more than most of the
other candidates that are running for this council have.
If you want someone that will work and
that has already achieved then give me your vote or if you want a
would-be-if-they-could-be vote for someone else. While they are
talking about it, I get it done.
Ideas and Solutions
We have problems, so I will set out
some of them with the solutions.
Problems: high unemployment, low
occupancy rates for accommodation suppliers, drugs and crime, small
businesses going broke from lack of turn-over, homelessness – high
number of people that are homeless or are couch hopping / sleeping in
cars and in tents some in the bush – and that is just a few of our
local problems.
Solutions to problems: high
unemployment can or could be solved by turning our area into a trade
free zone or enterprise zone, giving businesses an incentive to come
to our region to set up with tax relief.
Problem: low occupancy rate for
accommodation suppliers. Solution: promote our region along with all
other shires in our region in a joint push for tourists. Simple ideas
like distributing 250,000 leaflets promoting our region in other
Problem: drugs and crime. Solution: get courts to sentence
first offenders to either a term in jail or a term learning a trade
so they are given a chance to become a tradie in life. Make them work
and be tired and they won’t have enough time to get stoned or
commit petty crimes.
Problem: small businesses going broke. Solution:
promote our area or region by having our school children become
pen-friends with other children around Australia and the rest of the
world and have them invite those children to our region for holidays.
They spend money and our region prospers. Put up signs up and down
the highways telling people what we have to offer. Send out DVDs of
the attractions in our area to all military bases around the world
inviting the people that view then to come here for R&R. Get a
rep to travel to all major businesses around Australia that employ a
large number of people and show them the DVDs over lunch and give out
promotional material. Steel mills, car manufacturers, paper mills and
many other large volume employers would be targeted.
homeless persons. Solution: build low cost accommodation for our
homeless. (Could be Council owned and operated to create an income
for the council and a asset that increases in value.) A 9 metre x 6
metre cottage can cost as little as $30,000 to build. Ok, so they
are not flash, but they are dry and can be built to get people off of
the streets and out of cars. Low-cost accommodation of this sort is
going to become a priority in the coming years as our populations get
older and they can not afford the high costs of the current type of
Ok, so we have a problem with crime in
our area and there are a lot of young people that are getting
themselves into trouble and spoiling their lives and we need to stop
and look at the reasons why. Education is in some way at fault and I
am not blaming the teachers but the system. Some young people are
either academically bright or lean more towards trades. The ones that
lean towards trades should have the ability in school to be taught a
trade say from grade eight and they would be trade-ready and have the
qualifications to be tradespeople when they leave school and would
only have to do one year under a master tradesman while the ones that
are more academically inclined should be taught the skills they need
in that area to follow their dreams. As we all know children develop
at different speeds and some will not be able to be taught trades
whilst still at school and will come out of the education system
still lacking life skills. I believe the solution here is to train
them when they are a little more mature. That's where our retired
tradies come into play. They should, if they wish, become trainers
and to give them the incentives to train people they should be able
to earn up to $40,000 per year tax free. So where is this money
coming from? Well, it costs around $40,000 per year so I have been
informed to keep one young person in a low-security facility. For
every person that we keep out of the jail system and out of trouble
we will be able to employ a trainer. There are many retired people
out there who can and would like to pass on their skills. We are not
going to be able to help every child but for every one we keep away
from drugs and crime, we and our society are the winners and the
young people we help will be able to contribute to our society in a
meaningful way.
Ok, so here are a few ideas to fix some
of our problems. All are low cost and will give value for money.
now it’s time for people to stop whinging about our region and its
problems and get off of their butts and do some thing to fix the
problems. GET INVOLVED and work to fix the problems. All of the above
affect us all in one way or another so help to fix the problems.
Peter Schuback
0408 458 232
Written and Authorised by Peter
Schuback 191 Condor Drive Hervey bay 4655.
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