23 January 2012

Three News Stories to Make Your Blood Boil

A vicious racial attack -- as in the majority of such cases (contrary to media reporting) the victim was white and the perpetrators were racial aliens intent on demonstrating their power in our lost and foundering nation:

Westpac has sacked 188 or more Australian employees -- in itself, a bad thing -- but to add insult to injury, the sacked workers are required to train their Indian replacements! The arrogance of the anti-national corporations such as Westpac takes place on a scale so grand, you "could not make it up" (as the saying goes):

But arrogance is a widespread commodity these days and those who are colonising our land at the behest of anti-national corporations and anti-national politicians find that the "up yours" attitude begins to come very naturally -- the second they set foot upon our shores:

Well folks, there you have it.  This is what we are up against.

What will you do?  What will you tell your grandchildren when they ask what you did in our nation's time of need?

Perhaps you will tell them: I supported Australia First.  I joined the fight when Australia needed fighters.


  1. "A vicious racial attack -- as in the majority of such cases (contrary to media reporting) the victim was white and the perpetrators were racial aliens intent on demonstrating their power in our lost and foundering nation:"

    Why not setup a CIVIL DEFENCE WING to protect and work with the Community? It could be done very professionally with the rule ANYONE who ATTACKS OUR PEOPLE will recieve EQUAL JUSTICE

    Its like in Norway and Sweden no-one does anyone, no-one cares and Who Loses Out? US
    This is our People we are speaking of hear not a kick around coke can

    For those In WA a chance to put this in place?

  2. When I see Black Africans I have a chat with
    them to find out who they are letting into
    the country. Guess who the Gillard Gang are
    bringing into Aussie? Black Africans from
    Zimbabwe, they are the same tribe, as of course
    Marxist Mugabe. The Gillard Gang are bringing
    them in on Visas 572. By the way, Mugabe is a
    good Roman Catholic boy, he was schooled by the
    Jesuits. That is why he use to wear the pathetic Hitler Moustache, because he was
    doing what Hitler did to exterminate as many
    WASP as he could. Hitler was a Roman
    Catholic and he would correspond with his
    Masters. Who funded Hitler?
    Look at the Pope's background and alarm bells
    should be ringing....Of course, Mugabe has
    been visiting the Pope only recently.
    Why is the Gillard Gang bringing in Bad
    Immigrants? What do white Rhodesians think
    of the double cross by the Gillard Gang?
    It is time Madame Gillard answered these
    questions a long with her Bad Immigrantion
