31 July 2010

Winter Sleep-out Today in Brisbane

Anyone and everyone interested in turning up to show their concern for the terrible number of homeless Aussies, please call 0410 309 613 by sunset today (1st August).  Under the banner of the Mission Australia Winter Sleep-out (www.wintersleepout.com.au) we will be doing our bit for charity and public awareness of this problem.
We'll be doing it out the front of Virginia Palms Hotel in Boondall (crner Zillmere and Sandgate Rds) from this afternoon.  Virginia Palms Hotel currently houses 80 illegal immigrants at tax-payers' expense.  There are several genuine homeless people we are picking up to join us (and we will feed them and record their stories in order to discover how best to help them, and to learn how to avoid more Aussies ending up hungry and homeless).
Bring your sleeping bag and some warm clothes and whatever banners and placards you deem appropriate - peak hour traffic on Monday morning will be shown a problem that has been too well hidden by currently-elected politicians....


  1. A bloody fantastic idea! A great way to protest refugee privelidge over Australia's homeless. It makes me sick that these invaders are in luxury resort accommodation when most working Australians cannot afford a well deserved holiday.

  2. hey guys its cookie from yestoday i was the short 1 with no shirt on , mate bloody good effort i rekon i had fun helpin ya's yestoday and keen as curry to do it again bigger advertisement next time post on facebook make a facebook page and u will have thoussands to support ya's, add me on face book im under cookiefrombanyo, hope to hear from 1 of ya's soon

  3. There was a number of no shirt fellas but i think i know the person

    I dont know if Australia First has a facebook site

    It was a start- we need 5 times that amount of people there next time
    Next time it will be at Parliament House near the entrance

  4. Great way to expose the traitor class and the reality of what's going on here. Of course in NSW there are 50,000 people on the public housing waiting list for a home, average wait time 15 years. To be so privileged as to jump of a boat and straight in to luxury accomodation is something these Australians could only dream of. To add insult to injury most of these displaced Australians are paying income taxes from their minimum wage to pay for the invaders to best housed in luxury. accomodation of the highest order.

  5. this is no less than treason on the Part of any Government who is prepared to stand by and let it happen.what about us the Australian People who slaved their guts out for years and get nothing in return yet they only Arrive and are treated like we owe them something. it's not on.
