18 January 2010

Urgent Update from Head office.

Australia First Party Registration Application Now Under Close Consideration By The Electoral Commission

Note: You May Be Contacted To Confirm Membership

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has just recently returned to the process of registering our party. We have leapt the initial legal hurdles and it has been demonstrated that, nominally at least, we do indeed have the requisite number of members as checked against the Electoral Roll.

But now the big test.

The Commission takes a random sample from the membership list and calls are made to have members “verify” their membership.Please be aware of this and notify the AEC caller accordingly.

This is our chance to create the legal framework, a registered political party with all its rights and privileges, to serve our Australian people’s patriotic cause. This is our chance to initiate a party that stands up for Real Australia, our unemployed, our truckies, our farmers, our workers, our old people, against the big end of town and its flunkey parties.

The whole party relies upon you to ensure we leap this hurdle. Why not approach your AF ‘phone tree’ and let friends know the AEC’s call may come?

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